⚠️ WARNING: The Following Info Helped 217+ People Quit Their 9-To-5's... 

Secret Loophole Is Making 
Everyday, Normal People $343/Day

Secret Loophole Is Making 
Everyday, Normal People $343/Day

The SDR Initiative Is NOW Live! 
The Doors Will Close SHUT After The First 73 Modern SDR's Join Us Inside.  

The Viral SDR Initiative Is NOW Live! 
The Doors Will Close SHUT After The 
First 73 Modern SDR's Join Us Inside.  

23 Year Old Collects $3.4M Cash, Travels To 17 Different Countries, & Helps 267 Students Escape Their 9-To-5 Jobs With This Little-Known Phone Loophole
An Honest Letter To Anyone Who Secretly Thinks Making Money Online Is A SCAM

If you’re reading this, you’re in luck…
What I Have To Tell You Involves An Enormous Scandal That’s Taken The Internet By Storm…
This scandal - has actually gotten so out of hand - it’s why 97% of the world’s population is unable to make REAL money online..

In fact,

If you don’t know how to navigate this new world, in 2023,

You could be missing out on an extra $1,000,

Hell… even $10,000 / month or more...
Every single month, hitting your bank account…

Month, after month, after month.

I get it, if you’ve opted into one of my email lists, seen my face on 74 different Instagram meme pages, or maybe you just stumbled across this letter somewhere from the dark realms of the Internet,

You probably are thinking EVERYTHING I’m saying is too good to be true…

After all,

What 23 year old do you know is flying business class to Dubai,
Has collected $3M in cash selling online...
Or supposedly has “100’s of students” who are on their way towards financial freedom?
You may be thinking…

“I mean surely, this guy has got to be as FAKE as ALL these online gurus I see flashing their fancy cars and Rolex watches…”

Here’s the cold-hard truth.
I love making money… and I love spending it.

Doing cool shit, traveling the world, eating the world’s most incredible food,

I truly want to do it all… 

And if that’s NOT your aspiration, then maybe we’re just not a good fit for each other.
To me, money buys options.
It buys more status, 

It buys more respect,

But most importantly, it buys more options.

See back when I graduated from Vanderbilt University,
Mind you, I wasn’t completely dumb… please keep in mind,

#14 ranked school,

Investment banking and consulting jobs lined up…

Everything seemed like a clear road to success from an outside perspective…

But for me,

I just had no interest in working 60-80 hours a week,

For someone I didn’t like,

Doing something I didn’t enjoy or care about.

So back in 2019.. I came up with a plan.
Kekoa - The Man With The Plan
No joke, here’s what happened…

On the floor of my dorm room, I sat and I built my first ever marketing agency…

5 computers around me,

Whittling my thumbs around, to see what I could create.

Instagram at the time was hot.. So that’s where I started.

Building up accounts,

Growing those, 

And then pitching my “growth methods” to clients…
My friends partied, went to frat events, and sloshed down beers at the weekend pre-games,

While I sat on the floor,

Trying to make money from my new “marketing agency”...
This introverted kid... 
Who could barely talk to girls
Sat down with his hands and his computer,

And over the next weeks, the next months,

Put together a brand new business.

First 30 days… nothing.

Next 30 days… nothing..

Next 30 days… 
Ca-ching** Ca-ching**
$47 USD Hit Your PayPal
After literally 67 days of trying to land a client,

Building up my own Instagram account,

Sending 1,000’s of messages, 

My first paycheck hit the account…

And checking my PayPal.. I realized I had struck digital gold.
Another $179 hit my account the next day…

Few weeks later, $997…

Soon enough...
I made my first $10,000 
in a month…
My parents were in disbelief… 

My friends asked me how they could learn this “money hack” too… 

Everyone thought I was crazy…
Few years later, I sold over 
$3.4 Million Dollars Online.
Then we started running ads,

People started calling me an “online guru”... a “make money scam”...

But I always thought it was funny…

Because wouldn’t anyone want to make money online?

Wouldn’t anyone want to bring in daily cash checks,

Straight to their bank account,
Working from places like Mexico, Bali, or Dubai? 🌴

The reason why most people believe all these “online gurus” are scams…

Is because they’re afraid to take an internal look at themselves…

They’re afraid to admit to their own shortcomings…

They’re afraid to sit down with themselves,

And say “wow… I just need to improve…”
Now… I know that’s not you.
After all, you’re still here with me, reading this letter right now.

So here’s the good news…

Today, I’ve decided to reveal the secret which has allowed me to tap into what,

Experts At Harvard University Are Calling The Digital Gold Rush
See, all these gurus online have kept this secret behind closed doors.

After all,

By knowing this little-known loophole,

They’ve been able to tap into an almost never ending supply of new cash,

Taking care of their happy, thriving families, 

Traveling the world to the most exotic, beautiful, tropical locations like Bali, Greece, Hawaii…

Living in their dream house, overlooking the beautiful sunsets and bright blue ocean,

With no cares in the world, no stress about paying bills, 

Just pure bliss. 

Because they’ve discovered this secret,
They’ve Built REAL Wealth 
For Themselves & Their Loved Ones,
No longer needing to struggle just to pay rent, 

No longer being unsure if their landlord will evict them….

No longer worried about the never ending credit card debt, piling up with crazy interest rates on the daily,

No longer having to sit, cramped in economy class with a crying baby hitting the back of their seat for the 17th time…
Because this secret has opened up a completely new mindset on reality,

Which experts at Harvard are ultimately calling a,
 “Glitch Inside The Matrix”
This select group of individuals are tapping into a little-known, BOOMING new industry,

Making $3,000…



Heck even close to $20,000+ monthly commission checks,

Working from ANYWHERE in the world,

Never needing to clock into their hated job, ever again.
📸 Picture it… 
What if you always knew that you’d have $5,000 cash, coming in every month?

Or you had $7,000 coming in?

Or even $15,000 coming in?
Month, after month, 
after month…

Never ending.

Would you feel a little more comfortable?

Would you have more confidence paying off the bills?

Would you feel more freedom to travel, take care of your family, and live the life you’ve always wanted?

Well, with the secret I’ve got for you here today… 

That’s luckily quite possible.
Every Day, Our Team Talks To 1,000’s Of People Online 
(They Want To Escape Their 9-to-5 Jobs & Have More Freedom)
And most of them, 

When it comes down to making a buying decision,

Say this: “I want to buy this...but I don’t know if I can afford it. It’s a lot of money and would put financial stress on me…”

Our team always replies: “I hear that, totally. You know, some people do really well putting that pressure on themselves and rising to the challenge. 

I know our team does. But some others just don’t respond well to it. 

They’re just not really built for it. So which person will you be?”

And when we say that,

That person makes the decision. They buy.
So The Question Remains…
How do we do it?

We use a persuasion technique called,
The Pressure Mechanism…
Now, this isn’t some sleazy, high-pressure sales tactic.


In fact, we’re leading the buyer to place internal pressure on themselves to be great.

We lead them to push themselves to be the best version of themselves,

Getting them out of their comfort zone,

Changing their life,

And line both of our pockets with cash.

So Why Does The School System 
Not Teach Us This?
Well, if everyone knew these secrets,

Then the world could actually become quite a dark place…

I mean,

Once you master negotiation tactics like what my private clients know…

The ones tucked away in our SDR Vault,

The reality is that you’ll be able to 
Influence Anyone To Do ALMOST Anything…

I gotta have you make me this promise…

If I give you these secrets,
You’ve got to promise me these
Three Things, alright?
After all, this is the stuff I won’t share on social media.

Hell. I don’t even share this with my best friends.

I was worried if I should even share these SDR Vault Secrets with you.
What If You Use Them & Become My Competition?
Here’s what you gotta promise me:

❌ You must ONLY use these tactics for good. No taking advantage of others.

❌ After you collect first $1,000 cash, using these SDR Vault Secrets, you gotta send me a photo.

❌ Don’t go buy a fancy car, spend your cash at the club, or do any dumb shit. Please be smart with your new-found wealth.
So why am I opening my Vault with the first 73 Modern SDRs who get inside today?
I’m honestly pumped.

You see this guy right here? 
This is andrea
Andrea is a student of mine, based out in Thailand. 

In his first 7 months using these SDR Vault Secrets,
 He made just over $107,428 in net commissions…
Andrea comes to all our coaching calls and helps other private clients now, inside our programs.

Just a few weeks ago, after I showed him my newest secrets

He told me we gotta teach more people what’s inside the SDR Vault. 

Since it changed his life and helped pay for his wife’s dream wedding.

So I got inspired and with that,
I Decided To Practically GIVE AWAY The Secrets Here Today To Just 73 People
You just have to hurry… I’ve got 592,451 followers on Instagram…

Rapidly approaching 10,000 subscribers on YouTube and TikTok…

& the demand for this is huge.

In other words…
You’re Only One Click Away From 
INSTANT ACCESS To My Private SDR Vault Making Your WORDS Print Cash...
Click the button below now to secure your MASSIVE 96% OFF Discount!
Here’s how the SDR Initative Works:
You, me, and 72 other Modern SDRs who join us, will get exclusive access to my SDR Vault Secrets inside The SDR Initiative.

These exclusive secrets inside are DIRECTLY responsible for the $3.4M I’ve collected and another $10M+ that our private clients have collected online…

We’re going to be breaking down EXACTLY why these questions convert sales,

And more importantly, how YOU can use these in your everyday life, to:

👉 Make more MONEY

👉 Build better relationships

👉 Leave your 9-to-5 OR negotiate HIGHER PAY at work

👉 Grow & multiply your wealth.

You will have monthly based access to this training which is updated once a week with new trainings...

And I expect you to return to it many times.
Who Should NOT Join The SDR Initiative 🙅‍♂️
❌ People who don’t have 15 minutes per day to put towards success.

❌ Lazy people who are unmotivated and don’t want to crush it with life.
Who Should Join The Viral SDR Initiative 🥇
👑 People who want to QUIT their 9-to-5 job

👑 Influencers

👑 Salespeople who want to 5x their commissions

👑 Business owners
What's Included Inside:
✅ Full Appointment Setter 101 Training - $1997 VALUE

✅ Accountability Coaches To Keep You On Track - $497 VALUE

✅ Exclusive Access To A Private Community Of Winners - $497 VALUE

✅ Custom Success Roadmap To Take You To $10K+/Month - $497 VALUE

✅ BONUS #1 - 2 Private Supercharger Coaching Calls - $997 VALUE

✅ BONUS #2 - EXCLUSIVE First Look At The Modern SDR 3.0 - $497 VALUE
FREE Bonus: EXCLUSIVE Day In The Life Interview With Andrea & How He Made $107,428 In Less Than 7 Months …
As you apply these secrets inside The SDR Initiative to your life, conversations, and relationships…

There’s a good chance your life will start getting easier,

You’ll start making more money,

And even begin to realize,
You Can Print CASH Almost On Command.
With the frameworks + mindset shifts WE discuss in this bonus interview,

You may even get pissed off, that life could’ve been so different, if you HAD JUST known these secrets earlier.

This bonus is free for the next 73 Modern SDRs who hop inside.

Click the button below to grab your spot and get instant access to everything now.
Click the button below now to secure your MASSIVE 96% OFF Discount!
I hope you got some value out of reading this page.

And if you’re interested, I hope you move quickly before someone else grabs your spot.

If you’ve been around me for any length of time, you know my deadlines are real.

We really will shut this private access page down when the 73rd Modern SDR joins in.

If the button no longer works on this page, it means 73 other Modern SDRs have joined and we are moving ahead inside.

Don’t get caught left out on the outside.

Make your conversations convert.

Inside... Here Is What You Will Get
✅ Full Appointment Setter 101 Training - $1997 VALUE

✅ Accountability Coaches To Keep You On Track - $497 VALUE

✅ Exclusive Access To A Private Community Of Winners - $497 VALUE

✅ Custom Success Roadmap To Take You To $10K+/Month - $497 VALUE

✅ BONUS #1 - 2 Private Supercharger Coaching Calls - $997 VALUE

✅ BONUS #2 - EXCLUSIVE First Look At The Modern SDR 3.0 - $497 VALUE
Click the button below now to secure your MASSIVE 96% OFF Discount!
PS - This is my BLACK BOX of persuasion..
I don’t share this stuff on social media.

Hell. I don’t even share this with my best friends.

I was worried if I should even share these SDR Vault Secrets with you.

What If You Use Them & Become My Competition?

👉 What if you don’t use these tactics for good and take advantage of others?

👉 What if you’re not ethical and start making almost too much money?

👉 What if you actually convince others to do ANYTHING you want?

Please… just don’t let me down and use this info in a negative way, alright?

With great power comes great responsibility.

See you inside.
⚠️ NOTE: This Is Your Last Chance
  • Yes Kekoa: I understand that I have limited time to take advantage of this special Vault offer. Once the First 73 people get in, this offer will be closed and returned to the Vault. 
Click the button below now to secure your MASSIVE 96% OFF Discount!

Are These Masterclasses Worth It?

Here Are Real Results From Real students

Here are just some takeaways...

Here are just some takeaways...

Here are just some takeaways...

Here are just some takeaways...

Here are just some takeaways...

Here are just some takeaways...

Gain exclusive access To the 
Secret Loophole that makes me $343+/Day...
Gain exclusive access To the 
Secret Loophole that's Makes me $343+/Day...

Here's What's Inside

✅ Full Appointment Setter 101 Training - $1997 VALUE

✅ Accountability Coaches To Keep You On Track - $497 VALUE

✅ Exclusive Access To A Private Community Of Winners - $497 VALUE

✅ Custom Success Roadmap To Take You To $10K+/Month - $497 VALUE

✅ BONUS #1 - 2 Private Supercharger Coaching Calls - $997 VALUE

BONUS #2 - EXCLUSIVE First Look At The Modern SDR 3.0 - $497 VALUE

Total Value:

$4982 USD

Today's Price:

Only $17 USD / Month

Step 1: Contact
Step 2: Credit Card Info
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Item Price
$17 every month
$97 every year

ONE TIME OFFER: See an EXCLUSIVE Outbound Appointment Setting call Kekoa runs through, which is how he and his students are consistently able to pull in $522/day commission checks, working anywhere in the world.

Item amount
Dynamically Updated $XX.00

Secure Processing

Each order is processed through a secure, 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway to ensure your privacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

💬 When do I get access to my purchase?


As soon as you click the button to confirm your order, you will receive an email from us with access details..

If you don't get it, check your spam. If you STILL don't get it, email our support team at services@e2influencers.com and they'll get you access ASAP. 

💬 What if I don't like the class?

My online business policy is this: NOT TO DISAPPOINT YOU.

I know what it’s like to feel like you’ve “been played” or lied to. I want you to know my intentions are to ensure your success and happiness.

But no one’s perfect and in case you think this Masterclass, which shows you exactly how I sold over $3.4M online by age 23, was NOT worth the $17 you paid for it, email us a 3-5 sentence paragraph why this wasn't worth the money and we'll send you a full, no-hassle, refund quickly. 

Contact services@e2influencers.com

But, if you are like most people, this experience will change your sales career (and for some of you, it'll change your life and the wealth you attain!)

💬 How long will this Masterclass be available?

As soon as you leave this browser this special $17 offer will expire immediately.

So if I were you, I WOULD NOT let this opportunity slip through my fingers.

Can I cancel my $17 subscription at any time?

Yes, to cancel your subscription, just email our support team at services@e2influencers.com and they'll help you out ASAP.

Exclusive Invitation

Earnings Disclaimer: Statements and depictions are the opinions, findings, or experiences of individuals who generally have purchased education and training. Results vary, are not typical, and rely on individual effort, time, and skill, as well as unknown conditions and other factors. We do not measure earnings or financial performance. Instead, we track completed transactions and satisfaction of services by voluntary surveys. Results show that most Advanced Training clients who apply the training. You should not, however, equate completed sales closing transactions with financially successful transactions. Further, many customers do not continue with the program, do not apply what they learn, or do attempt to apply what they learn but nonetheless have difficulty in making sales successful for them.

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 This website is operated and maintained by Esquared Media, LLC. Use of the website is governed by its Terms Of Service and Privacy Policy.

Esquared Media, LLC is a sales and marketing education and training company. We do not sell a business opportunity, “get rich quick” program or money-making system. We believe, with education, individuals can be better prepared to make investment decisions, but we do not guarantee success in our training. We do not make earnings claims, efforts claims, or claims that our training will make you any money. All material is intellectual property and protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited. Please see our Full Disclosure for important details.

Investing of any kind carries risk and it is possible to lose some or all of your money. The training provided is general in nature, and some strategies may not be appropriate for all individuals or all situations. We make no representation regarding the likelihood or probability that any actual or hypothetical investment will achieve a particular outcome or perform in any predictable manner.

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